What, exactly, is a modular home, and what are the Basic Facts About Modular Homes?
A modular home is one that is built indoors in a factory-like setting. The finished products are covered and transported to their new locations, where they are assembled by a builder. A modular home is not a mobile home; it is simply a home that is built off-site, as opposed to on-site. These homes are often called factory-built, system-built or prefab (short for prefabricated) homes.
Modular and manufactured homes are not the same. Manufactured homes are not placed on permanent foundations. Manufactured homes, sometimes referred to as (but are not always) mobile homes, can be moved from one location to another. There are specific laws and regulations regarding these relocation’s.
How do modular homes differ from houses built on-site?
Because modular homes are built indoors, they can be completed in a matter of a few weeks, as opposed to months. They don’t see the typical on-site delays caused predominantly by the weather. Modular homes must conform to specific rules, guidelines and building codes that often surpass those of traditional on-site homes.
When considering a modular home, it is important to shop around, as not all companies that make factory-built homes are alike. There can be significant differences in quality, price and service. As with purchasing or building any home, it is crucial to do your research.
Facts About Modular Homes
- Modular homes appraise the same as their on-site built counterparts do; they do not depreciate in value.
- Modular homes can be customized.
- Most modular home companies like Kintner have in-house engineering departments that utilize CAD (Computer Aided Design).
- Modular home designs vary in style and size.
- Modular construction can be used for commercial applications, including office buildings.
- Modular homes are permanent structures, “real property.”
- Modular homes can be built on crawl spaces and basements.
- Modular homes are considered a form of green building.
- Modular homes are faster to build than 100 percent site-built homes.
- Home loans for modular homes are the same as site-built homes.
- Insurance premiums for modular homes are the same as site-built homes.
- Taxes on modular homes are the same as site-built homes.
- Modular homes can be built to withstand 175-mph winds.
- Modular homes can be built for accessible living and designed for future conveniences.
Do all modular homes look alike?
Contrary to popular misconception, modular homes do not all look alike. Modular homes have no design limitations. You can create any style of modular home you wish, whether you want a traditional center-hall colonial or a Mediterranean.
You can add any style of window or architectural detail that you desire. Nearly all host plans can be turned into modular homes, which means you can create your dream home.
At Kintner Modular Homes, we make sure our homes include all the essentials for your new home. We offer packages so you can customize your home and make it the perfect house for you. From the very early stages of construction and permitting to the tiniest of interior details, to service on your home years after it’s built, at Kintner Homes, we are the complete package.
Above all, our focus is on providing Pennsylvania and New York customers with quality modular homes and professional services before, during and after their purchase. From pre-construction planning through our in-house service department, ease and comfort is achieved by our talented team members. The entire team is committed to building a better house and enhancing your building experience. You are not just buying a house; you are buying a Kintner Modular Homes.
Basic Facts About Modular Homes – You can take comfort in letting Kintner Modular Homes coordinate your next home building project.
November 13, 2015 in Freshome’s Very Best / Architecture / Moving
Source, https://freshome.com/2013/03/27/10-basic-facts-about-modular-homes/