Modular home building strength can be better then stick built homes in most cases. Modular homes are designed to be stronger than traditional homes, for example, replacing nails with screws, adding glue to joints, and using about 10% more lumber than conventional stick built homes. This extra strength added to your modular home is to help your modular home maintain its structural integrity as it is transported to its building site, (your land).
Modular home building strength is additionally increased because of the insulated concrete forms used to set your modular home on. These forms are modular units that are assembled without mortar and filled with concrete. Insulating concrete forms are used in high seismic risk zones too, because of their high strength.
When FEMA studied the destruction wrought by Hurricane Andrew in Dade County Florida, they concluded that modular and masonry homes fared best compared to other construction.
Modular Home Standards and Zoning Considerations

Typically, modular dwellings are built to local, state codes resulting in dwellings from a given manufacturing facility having differing construction standards depending on the final destination of the modules. The most important zones that manufacturers have to take into consideration are local wind, heat, and snow load zones. For example, homes built for final assembly in a hurricane-prone, earthquake or flooding area may include additional bracing to meet local building codes.
Some US courts have ruled that zoning restrictions applicable to mobile homes do not apply to modular homes since modular homes are designed to have a permanent foundation. Additionally, in the valuation differences between modular homes and site-built homes are often negligible in real estate appraisal practice; modular homes can, in some market areas can be evaluated the same way as site-built or stick built homes of similar quality.
Modular Home Setup and Modular Home Building Strength
Above all, our focus is to provide our Pennsylvania and New York customers with high quality modular homes and professional customer services before, during and after their purchase. From pre-construction planning through our in-house service department, ease and comfort is achieved by our talented team members. The entire team is committed to building a better house and enhancing your building experience. You are not just buying a house; you are buying a Kintner Modular Homes.
Modular homes tend to be more affordable than most traditionally built homes and modular home building strength can be better than stick built homes. This is mainly because much of the work takes place in a controlled environment like a factory and without the added complications of bad weather.
Because a major part of our business is referrals from you our happy customers, Kintner Modular Homes is committed to being the best at Customer Service. Having been in business since 1972 you our customers can be sure we will be here to handle all your needs, now or in the future.
Our A+ Better Business Bureau rating means you will join our many very happy homeowners.