Create A She Shed, A Female Alternative To Man Caves
Men need their space. But so too do women. But while some men prefer to dwell in their Man Caves, some woman prefer an alternative place to relax. Such as the She-Shed. Call Kintner Modular Homes today, we can help save your marriage by building you that great she shed …
Whereas Man Caves are usually a part of the house somehow, say hidden in the basement or the garage perhaps, She-Sheds are typically situated in the garden. There are no set rules to how a She-Shed should be constructed. Some turn them into reading areas while others use their She-Sheds as craft rooms or even miniature yoga studios.
Want a She-Shed but don’t know where to begin? Then take a look at the pictures below where you might just find some inspiration. That applies to you too, guys. Go on. Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone.
Nearly all host plans can be turned into modular homes, which means you can create your dream home while adding you the She Shed.

Custom modular home dealers, and general contractors can apply any imaginable exterior finish or flourish to your home. You can side your home in wood, fiber-cement board or stone when requested, and you can trim out the siding with wider corner boards. If you want a stucco finish, we will apply stucco to your home. If your building in a neighborhood with houses that have cedar shakes, we can provide them too. Depending on your preferences we can accent your windows and doors with shutters, lineal, or mantles, and we can dress up your eaves with frieze boards and dentil molding if you want. Today’s modular homes can be completely customized to your specifications or even custom built. You can even choose from a vast selection of colors, decors, flooring, cabinets and siding types. Your custom Kintner modular home can be more than just custom colors and décors. We can take your plans and ideas to the factory and have them built to meet your specific need and requirements.
She Shed by Kintner Homes – Contact Us
Toll Free: 888.229.9246
Office: 570.836.9755
Source, Viktorija G.